In separation toilets, human urine and faeces are separated at source in order to keep them away from the aquatic environment and to enable recycling. 24-hour urine samples of 19 individuals were analysed for several wastewater parameters. The daily loads and their mean variation are presented, and the contribution of human urine to the total daily load in municipal wastewater is calculated.
The concentration of plant nutrients in human urine was compared with those of liquid cattle excretion as traditional organic fertilizer. Nearly all investigated chemical parameters showed great differences. Cations and anions could not be balanced. During storage, the urea in both human urine and cattle urine was quickly converted to ammonium. During 41 days, storage of human urine with passive gas transfer did not lead to significantly higher nitrogen losses than closed storage. Cattle urine reached highly significantly better results than human urine in a germination test with summer barley and in most of the cases highly significantly or significantly worse results in a germination test with cress. The results indicate that the effects of liquid cattle excretion on plant growth are not the same as those of human urine.