This paper presents the major features of two decision support systems (DSS) for river water quality modeling and policy analysis recently developed at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), DESERT and STREAMPLAN. DESERT integrates in a single package data management, model calibration, simulation, optimization and presentation of results. DESERT has the flexibility to allow the specification of both alternative water quality models and flow hydraulics for different branches of the same river basin. Specification of these models can be done interactively through Microsoft® Windows commands and menus and an easy to use interpreted language. Detailed analysis of the effects of parameter uncertainty on water quality results is integrated into DESERT. STREAMPLAN, on the other hand, is an integrated, easy-to-use software system for analyzing alternative water quality management policies on a river basin level. These policies include uniform emission reduction and effluent standard based strategies, ambient water quality and least-cost strategies, total emission reduction under minimized costs, mixed strategies, local and regional policies, and strategies with economic instruments. A distinctive feature of STREAMPLAN is the integration of a detailed model of municipal wastewater generation with a water quality model and policy analysis tools on a river basin scale.
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November 01 1999
Innovative Tools for Water Quality Management and Policy Analysis: Desert and Streamplan
Carlo De Marchi;
Carlo De Marchi
*School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
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Pavel Ivanov;
Pavel Ivanov
**Ecostar LLC, Barnaul 656023, 9-j Zavodskoj Pereulok 2, Altai Region, Russia
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Ari Jolma;
Ari Jolma
***Laboratory of Water Resources, Helsinki University of Technology, 02150 Espoo, Finland
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Ilia Masliev;
Ilia Masliev
†lntertrans Co., 80 Whitehall Drive, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3ROP3
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Mark Griffin Smith;
Mark Griffin Smith
‡Department of Economics, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, USA
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László Somlyódy
László Somlyódy
§Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Civil Engineering Faculty, Budapest University of Technology, Muegyetem rkp.3-5, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
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Water Sci Technol (1999) 40 (10): 103–110.
Carlo De Marchi, Pavel Ivanov, Ari Jolma, Ilia Masliev, Mark Griffin Smith, László Somlyódy; Innovative Tools for Water Quality Management and Policy Analysis: Desert and Streamplan. Water Sci Technol 1 November 1999; 40 (10): 103–110. doi:
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