The regulation of development-related activities can require complex approaches to the management of nonpoint source pollution (NPSP) associated with such activities. Experience has shown that growth and transportation needs can be accommodated in a manner which avoids and minimizes stream and wetland impacts while remaining compatible with effective NPSP management strategies, herein referred to as stormwater management (SWM). The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has developed a “one stop shop” review and assessment procedure where applicable federal and State regulatory programs are combined into a single process where on-site conditions are assessed, potential impacts are identified and mitigative practices are proposed sufficient to offset habitat loss and comply with water quality standards. The example presented is the first of several development projects in a 405 hectare (1000 acre) watershed of the Potomac River in the greater Washington, DC area of Maryland. The project, submitted in 1989, proposed stream and wetland impacts for road construction and runoff catchment basins which were determined by MDE to be avoidable. Impacts were reduced and mitigated by design revisions and innovative approaches to wetland re-creation and SWM. Subsequent development projects in this watershed are currently expanding in a manner which utilizes and refines data obtained from this initial project with completion expected by 2003.

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