Edible fish and crustaceans, either of salt or of freshwater origin, are occasionally affected by off-flavours that can be related to the animal's diet or the natural environment in which they live. Off-flavours include petroleum and blackberry-like flavours in salmon and cod; garlic-like flavours in prawns and sand-lobsters; iodoform-like flavours in prawns, shrimp and fish; and muddy and earthy flavours in brackish-water fish and shrimp. Knowing the source of such off-flavours will in some cases assist processors in taking remedial action. This paper will discuss the possible biochemical pathways to five of these off-flavour compounds and, in addition, will provide evidence as to the likely marine organisms responsible for their formation. Methods to reduce the severity of such off-flavour incidents will also be described.
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Research Article|
September 01 1999
Biological Origins of Off-flavours in Fish and Crustaceans
Water Sci Technol (1999) 40 (6): 265–272.
F. B. Whitfield; Biological Origins of Off-flavours in Fish and Crustaceans. Water Sci Technol 1 September 1999; 40 (6): 265–272. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.1999.0308
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