Current practice in Flanders (Belgium) is to limit the hydraulic capacity of the waste water treatment plant to 6Q14. A maximum of 3Q14 is treated in the activated sludge system, the excess flow undergoes only physical treatment (stepscreen, sand trap and settling). This paper focuses on an alternative storm management operation strategy aiming at maintaining plant performance and reducing the total pollutant discharge towards the receiving waterbody. Given the observed dilution of incoming waste water under storm conditions, the idea was put forward that higher hydraulic loadings could be treated within the biology if additional secondary clarifier volume was supplied. The new storm operation strategy would consist of treating 6Q14 biologically using the available storm tanks as additional clarifier volume. Dynamic simulation was used to asses the feasibility of this strategy. In a next step a full scale test was run over several months. The outcome of this case study clearly shows that 6Q14 can be treated biologically using the storm tank as anextra clarifier.This operation mode eliminates the direct overflow of only physically pre-treated waste water coming from the stormtank towards the receiving waterbody. It was shown that doing so the overall pollutant discharge was significantly reduced.
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Research Article|
May 01 2000
Storm operation strategy: high-flow activated sludge process operation
R. Carrette;
R. Carrette
1Aquafin nv, Technology Department, Dijkstraat 8, B-2630 Aartselaar, Belgium
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D. Bixio;
D. Bixio
1Aquafin nv, Technology Department, Dijkstraat 8, B-2630 Aartselaar, Belgium
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C. Thoeye;
C. Thoeye
1Aquafin nv, Technology Department, Dijkstraat 8, B-2630 Aartselaar, Belgium
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P. Ockier
P. Ockier
1Aquafin nv, Technology Department, Dijkstraat 8, B-2630 Aartselaar, Belgium
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Water Sci Technol (2000) 41 (9): 193–201.
R. Carrette, D. Bixio, C. Thoeye, P. Ockier; Storm operation strategy: high-flow activated sludge process operation. Water Sci Technol 1 May 2000; 41 (9): 193–201. doi:
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