The diversity of filamentous bacteria present in industrial wastewater treatment plants was analysed by a combination of classical and molecular-biological approaches. Many unknown filamentous bacteria were observed in about 80 screened activated sludge samples from different industries with sometimes severe bulking sludge problems. A special focus was paid to filaments which resembled “Nostocoida limicola”, a filamentous bacterium which was found to be present in many WWTPs. These filamentous bacteria are hardly cultivable and only one strain was obtained and maintained in co-culture with a yeast. The 16S rRNA sequences of several other “Nostocoida limicola”-like filamentous bacteria from different sludge samples were obtained by micromanipulation and different molecular-biological methods. The sequences were phylogenetically analyzed and specific molecular probes were developed and applied. The results clearly demonstrate that “Nostocoida limicola”-like filaments from industrial WWTPs are different from all other “Nostocoida limicola” types investigated so far. Our strains are affiliated to the alpha-subclass of Proteobacteria.
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Research Article|
July 01 2002
Phylogenetic analysis and in situ identification of “Nostocoida limicola”-like filamentous bacteria in activated sludge from industrial wastewater treatment plants
J. Snaidr;
J. Snaidr
*Vermicon AG, Dachauer Str. 148, 80992 München, Germany
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C. Beimfohr;
C. Beimfohr
*Vermicon AG, Dachauer Str. 148, 80992 München, Germany
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C. Levantesi;
C. Levantesi
**Water Research Institute, CNR, Via Reno 1, 00198 Rome, Italy
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S. Rossetti;
S. Rossetti
**Water Research Institute, CNR, Via Reno 1, 00198 Rome, Italy
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J. van der Waarde;
J. van der Waarde
***Bioclear b.v., Zernikepark 6d, 9704 CG Groningen; Netherlands
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B. Geurkink;
B. Geurkink
***Bioclear b.v., Zernikepark 6d, 9704 CG Groningen; Netherlands
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D. Eikelboom;
D. Eikelboom
****TNO, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Laan van Westenenk 501; 7334 DT Apeldoorn, Netherlands
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M. Lemaitre;
M. Lemaitre
*****Eurogentec S.A., Parc Scientifique du Sart-Tilman, 4102 Seraing, Belgium
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V. Tandoi
V. Tandoi
**Water Research Institute, CNR, Via Reno 1, 00198 Rome, Italy
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Water Sci Technol (2002) 46 (1-2): 99–104.
J. Snaidr, C. Beimfohr, C. Levantesi, S. Rossetti, J. van der Waarde, B. Geurkink, D. Eikelboom, M. Lemaitre, V. Tandoi; Phylogenetic analysis and in situ identification of “Nostocoida limicola”-like filamentous bacteria in activated sludge from industrial wastewater treatment plants. Water Sci Technol 1 July 2002; 46 (1-2): 99–104. doi:
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