A field survey was conducted on four slum, squatter and pavement dweller communities of Mumbai City, India with a total sample size of 1,070 households. Study revealed extremely low water consumption pattern averaging merely 30 l/c.d, no sewerage and safe excreta disposal facilities manifested by high occurrence of water-borne diseases. The annual diarrhoeal, typhoid and malaria cases were estimated to 614, 68 and 126 per thousand populations respectively. At point prevalence scale, at least 30% of all morbidity can be accounted for by water-related infections. In addition to the impacts of neighborhood water pollution and sanitation, such diseases were also found positively correlated with low water consumption and poverty related factors as, poor housing and family income. Analysis of variance also revealed intra-poor gradient both in living standards and health conditions on which the pavement dwellers were observed to be the greatest sufferers of all.
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December 01 2002
Field survey on water supply, sanitation and associated health impacts in urban poor communities - a case from Mumbai City, India
S. Kumar Karn;
S. Kumar Karn
1Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka 940-2188, Japan
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H. Harada
H. Harada
1Department of Environmental Systems Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka 940-2188, Japan
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Water Sci Technol (2002) 46 (11-12): 269–275.
S. Kumar Karn, H. Harada; Field survey on water supply, sanitation and associated health impacts in urban poor communities - a case from Mumbai City, India. Water Sci Technol 1 December 2002; 46 (11-12): 269–275. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2002.0749
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