A submersible UV/VIS spectrometer for in-situ real-time measurements is presented. It utilises the UV/VIS range (200-750 nm) for simultaneous measurement of COD, filtered COD, TSS and nitrate with just a single instrument. A global calibration is provided that is valid for typical municipal wastewater compositions. Usually high correlation coefficients can be achieved using this standard setting. By running a local calibration improvements concerning trueness, precision and long term stability of the results can be achieved. The calibration model is built by means of PLS, various validation procedures and outlier tests to reach both high correlation quality and robustness. This paper describes the UV/VIS spectrometer and the calibration procedure.
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January 01 2003
A multivariate calibration procedure for UV/VIS spectrometric quantification of organic matter and nitrate in wastewater
G. Langergraber;
*Department for Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (IWGA-SIG), University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
E-mail: [email protected]
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N. Fleischmann;
N. Fleischmann
*Department for Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (IWGA-SIG), University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
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F. Hofstädter
F. Hofstädter
**s::can Messtechnik GmbH, Herminengasse 10, A-1020 Vienna, Austria (www.s-can.at)
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Water Sci Technol (2003) 47 (2): 63–71.
G. Langergraber, N. Fleischmann, F. Hofstädter; A multivariate calibration procedure for UV/VIS spectrometric quantification of organic matter and nitrate in wastewater. Water Sci Technol 1 January 2003; 47 (2): 63–71. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2003.0086
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