An Environmental Information System (EIS) coupled with a Geographic Information System (GIS) and water quality models is developed to improve the pre- and post-data processing function of CE-QUAL-W2. Since the accuracy of the geometric data in terms of a diverse water body has a great effect on the water quality variables such as the velocity, kinetic reactions, the horizontal and vertical momentum, to prepare the bathymetry information has been considered a difficult issue for modellers who intend to use the model. For identifying Cross Section and Profile Information (CSPI), which precisely contains hydraulic features and geographical configuration of a waterway, the automated CSPI extraction program has been developed using Avenue Language of the PC Arc/view package. The program consists of three major steps: (1) getting the digital depth map of a waterway using GIS techniques; (2) creating a CSPI data set of segments in each branch using the program for CE-QUAL-W2 bathymetry input; (3) selecting the optimal set of bathymetry input by which the calculated water volume meets the observed volume of the water body. Through those approaches, it is clear that the model simulation results in terms of water quality as well as reservoir hydraulics rely upon the accuracy of bathymetry information.
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November 01 2003
Improvement of pre- and post-processing environments of the dynamic two-dimensional reservoir model CE-QUAL-W2 based on GIS
S.-R. Ha;
S.-R. Ha
1Department of Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungbuk National University, San48 Keshindong, Heungdukgu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Republic of Korea
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G.-J. Bae;
G.-J. Bae
1Department of Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungbuk National University, San48 Keshindong, Heungdukgu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Republic of Korea
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D.-H. Park;
D.-H. Park
1Department of Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungbuk National University, San48 Keshindong, Heungdukgu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Republic of Korea
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J.H. Cho
J.H. Cho
1Department of Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungbuk National University, San48 Keshindong, Heungdukgu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, Republic of Korea
*Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwandong University, Yangyang-Up, Yangyang-Gun, Gangwon-Do 215-800, Republic of Korea
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Water Sci Technol (2003) 48 (10): 79–88.
S.-R. Ha, G.-J. Bae, D.-H. Park, J.H. Cho; Improvement of pre- and post-processing environments of the dynamic two-dimensional reservoir model CE-QUAL-W2 based on GIS. Water Sci Technol 1 November 2003; 48 (10): 79–88. doi:
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