About forty per cent of drinking water in The Netherlands is produced from surface water. Dutch water companies, that have to rely on this source, are dealing with major water quality problems due to the use of herbicides on pavements. Voluntary measures and bans have had only limited effect on the reduction of emissions of herbicides that runoff from pavements into surface water in The Netherlands. The effects on the production of drinking water from surface water should play a role in the authorisation of pesticides. Stricter regulations, including mandatory emission reduction measures and certification, are necessary. The enforcement of existing Dutch surface water pollution laws should solve part of the problem. Due to the international nature of most of the surface water used for drinking water supply, it is necessary that other countries take measures as well. European legislation brings a solution closer if implemented well and seriously enforced. The threat of strict legislation keeps pressure on the transition towards decreasing the dependence on chemicals for weed control on pavements.
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Research Article|
February 01 2004
How Dutch drinking water production is affected by the use of herbicides on pavements
A.D. Bannink
1Netherlands Waterworks Association VEWIN, P.O. Box 1019, NL-2880 CA Rijswijk, The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
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Water Sci Technol (2004) 49 (3): 173–181.
A.D. Bannink; How Dutch drinking water production is affected by the use of herbicides on pavements. Water Sci Technol 1 February 2004; 49 (3): 173–181. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2004.0189
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