It is known that the toxicity of effluent is more intensive than that of influent in the activated sludge process. In this study, we applied bioassay using cultured human cell lines to the decay process of activated sludge to evaluate the toxicity of organic matter generated and/or released from activated sludge bacteria. We also applied this bioassay to hydrophilic fraction of samples. The bioassay results showed that: (1) the variation in the dose–response relation obtained from assay with original samples was observed during decay; (2) on the other hand, the response curves of only hydrophilic fraction at each time show the same relationship between TOC and viability of MCF7 cells; (3) this trend was confirmed by plotting the time course of EC50. These results imply that: (1) the hydrophilic organic matter controlled for developing toxicity during decay process of activated sludge; and (2) the character of hydrophilic organic matter is not changed during the experimental period.

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