Public support is crucial for successful implementation of wastewater reuse projects. This paper analyses the findings of a questionnaire-type survey (256 participants) conducted to determine the attitude of Israeli urban public towards possible urban reuse options. The paper summarises the support / objection to 13 reuse options and the correlation between support and environmental awareness and perceptions. Results show that a high proportion of the participants supported options perceived as low-contact, such as irrigation of public parks (96%), sidewalk landscaping (95%) and use in the construction industry (94%), while higher-contact reuse options found less support (e.g. commercial launderettes, 60%). No correlation was found between biographical characteristics and support (education, gender, income, age). Based on the results, public campaigns in Israel should focus on disseminating information regarding wastewater treatment technologies, discuss health related issues, highlight the positive economic impact of water reuse and generate a positive public opinion, as these factors tend to influence individuals to support reuse projects.
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Research Article|
September 01 2006
Centralised urban wastewater reuse: what is the public attitude?
E. Friedler;
1Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel
E-mail: [email protected]
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O. Lahav
O. Lahav
1Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel
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Water Sci Technol (2006) 54 (6-7): 423–430.
E. Friedler, O. Lahav; Centralised urban wastewater reuse: what is the public attitude?. Water Sci Technol 1 September 2006; 54 (6-7): 423–430. doi:
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