Rapid population growth and urbanization are exerting excessive pressure on soil and water resources. To address these problems this paper proposes a cheap and sustainable alternative sanitation system, which accelerates nutrient recycling (“closing the loop”): ecological sanitation (ecosan) is a potential alternative to conventional sanitation systems that replenishes the organic matter and nutrients of the soil that are taken off as the crop harvest. A comparison is made of the environmental and the operation and maintenance costs between a modern wastewater treatment plant and on-site sanitation. An elevated double box urine diverting toilet (“ecotoilet”) is proposed and its advantages and disadvantages over a system with a centrally controlled modern WWTP are discussed. Bagmati Area Sewerage Project in Kathmandu is taken as an example of modern WWTP and ecosan being practiced in a village in Nepal is taken as an example of ecotoilet for the comparison.
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January 01 2007
On-site sanitation: a viable alternative to modern wastewater treatment plants
K.M. Lamichhane
1Department of Water Supply and Sewerage, PO Box 8729, Kathmandu, , Nepal
E-mail: [email protected]
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Water Sci Technol (2007) 55 (1-2): 433–440.
K.M. Lamichhane; On-site sanitation: a viable alternative to modern wastewater treatment plants. Water Sci Technol 1 January 2007; 55 (1-2): 433–440. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2007.044
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