The Vesilind settling velocity function forms the basis of flux theory used both in state point analysis (for design and capacity rating) and one-dimensional dynamic models (for dynamic process modelling). This paper proposes new methods to address known shortcomings of these methods, based on an extensive set of batch settling tests conducted at different scales. The experimental method to determine the Vesilind parameters from a series of bench scale settling tests is reviewed. It is confirmed that settling cylinders must be slowly stirred in order to represent settling performance of full scale plants for the whole range of solids concentrations. Two new methods to extract the Vesilind parameters from settling test series are proposed and tested against the traditional manual method. Finally, the same data set is used to propose an extension to one-dimensional (1-D) dynamic settler models to account for compression settling. Using the modified empirical function, the model is able to describe the batch settling interface independently of the number of layers.

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