In this study, removals of 1-naphthol by oxidative-coupling reaction using birnessite, one of the natural Mn oxides present in soil, was investigated in various experimental conditions (reaction time, Mn oxide loadings, pH). The removal efficiency of 1-naphthol by birnessite was high in all the experimental conditions, and UV-visible and mass spectrometric analyses on the supernatant after reaction confirmed that the reaction products were oligomers formed by oxidative-coupling reaction. Pseudo-first order rate constants, k, for the oxidative transformation of 1-naphthol by birnessite was derived from the kinetic experiments under various amounts of birnessite loadings, and using the observed pseudo-first order rate constants with respect to birnessite loadings, the surface area normalised specific rate constant, ksurf, was also determined to be 9.3 × 10−4 (L/m2·min) for 1-naphthol. In addition, the oxidative transformation of 1-naphthol was found to be dependent on solution pH, and the pseudo-first order rate constants were increased from 0.129 at pH 10 to 0.187 at pH 4.
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Research Article|
July 01 2008
A novel solution for hydroxylated PAHs removal by oxidative coupling reaction using Mn oxide
Ki-Hoon Kang;
1Technology Research Institute, Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
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Dong-Min Lim;
Dong-Min Lim
2Soil Environment R&D Department, Korea Plant Resource Institute, Gyeonggi, Korea [email protected]
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Hyun-Sang Shin
Hyun-Sang Shin
3Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul, Korea [email protected]
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Water Sci Technol (2008) 58 (1): 171–178.
Ki-Hoon Kang, Dong-Min Lim, Hyun-Sang Shin; A novel solution for hydroxylated PAHs removal by oxidative coupling reaction using Mn oxide. Water Sci Technol 1 July 2008; 58 (1): 171–178. doi:
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