The Buoyant Filter Bio-Reactor (BFBR) is a novel and very efficient method for the treatment of complex wastewater. Sewage is a complex wastewater containing insoluble COD contributed by fat and proteins. The fat and proteins present in the domestic sewage cause operational problems and underperformance in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor, used now for treating sewage anaerobically. The biogas yield from the BFBR is 0.36 m3/kg COD reduced and the methane content was about 70–80%. Production of methane by anaerobic digestion of organic waste had the benefit of lower energy costs for treatment and is thus environmentally beneficial to the society by providing a clean fuel from renewable feed stocks. The BFBR achieved a COD removal efficiency of 80–90% for an organic loading rate of 4.5 kg/m3/d at a hydraulic retention time of 3.25 hours. The effluent COD was less than 100 mg/l, thus saving on secondary treatment cost. No pretreatment like sedimentation was required for the influent to the BFBR. The BFBR can produce low turbidity effluent as in the activated sludge process (ASP). The land area required for the BFBR treatment plant is less when compared to ASP plant. Hence the problem of scarcity of land for the treatment plant is reduced. The total expenditure for erecting the unit was less than 50% as that of conventional ASP for the same COD removal efficiency including land cost.
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August 01 2008
Buoyant Filter Bio-Reactor (BFBR)–a novel anaerobic wastewater treatment unit
Soosan J. Panicker;
1Department of Civil Engineering, T.K.M. College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, India E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
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M. C. Philipose;
M. C. Philipose
2T.K.M. College of Engineering, Kollam 691005, India E-mail: [email protected]
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Ajit Haridas
Ajit Haridas
3National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, CSIR, Thiruvananthapuram 695019, India E-mail: [email protected]
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Water Sci Technol (2008) 58 (2): 373–377.
Soosan J. Panicker, M. C. Philipose, Ajit Haridas; Buoyant Filter Bio-Reactor (BFBR)–a novel anaerobic wastewater treatment unit. Water Sci Technol 1 August 2008; 58 (2): 373–377. doi:
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