Two experiments were undertaken in three different experimental set-ups in order to compare them: an industrial 21-m3 pilot reactor, a new 40-ℓ laboratory pilot reactor and bmp type plasma bottles. Three consecutive batch dry digestion tests of municipal solid waste were performed under mesophilic conditions with the same feedstock in all vessels. Biogas and methane production at the end of the tests were similar (around 200 m3 CH4STP/tVS) for both pilot reactors and were different from the bottle tests. The dynamics of methane production and VFA accumulation concurred. However, the maximal levels of VFA transitory accumulation varied between reactors and between runs in a same reactor. Ammonia levels were similar in both reactors. These results show that the new reactor accurately imitates the conditions found in the larger one. Adaptation of microorganisms to the waste and operating conditions was also pointed out along the consecutive batches. Thermophilic semi-continuous tests were performed in both reactors with similar conditions. The methane production efficiencies were similar.

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