Municipal sewage and WWTP effluents are considered to be a major source of pollution, regarding the occurrence of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the environment. Although removal potential of many EDCs by conventional WWTPs is recognised, literature data are not easily comparable. Besides, in order to reach very low concentrations, a further treatment might be sometimes required. Positive results can be achieved by tertiary chemical oxidation; nevertheless, technical-economic suitability is still to be fully demonstrated. In this work, two estrogen-like susbstances were considered: nonylphenol (NP) (and its parent compounds) and bisphenol A (BPA). The experimental work was conducted at Verona (Northern Italy) WWTP (370,000 p.e.): after a 15 days sampling campaign, which was carried out in order to calculate mass balance of target compounds, chemical oxidation tests were performed on effluent by means of UV/H2O2 process and ozonation. Technical-economic feasibility of these solutions is discussed.

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