Merging of radar rainfall data with rain gauge measurements is a common approach to overcome problems in deriving rain intensities from radar measurements. We extend an existing approach for adjustment of C-band radar data using state-space models and use the resulting rainfall intensities as input for forecasting outflow from two catchments in the Copenhagen area. Stochastic grey-box models are applied to create the runoff forecasts, providing us with not only a point forecast but also a quantification of the forecast uncertainty. Evaluating the results, we can show that using the adjusted radar data improves runoff forecasts compared with using the original radar data and that rain gauge measurements as forecast input are also outperformed. Combining the data merging approach with short-term rainfall forecasting algorithms may result in further improved runoff forecasts that can be used in real time control.
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August 01 2013
State-space adjustment of radar rainfall and skill score evaluation of stochastic volume forecasts in urban drainage systems
Roland Löwe;
1Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
E-mail: [email protected]
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Peter Steen Mikkelsen;
Peter Steen Mikkelsen
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
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Michael R. Rasmussen;
Michael R. Rasmussen
3Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark
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Henrik Madsen
Henrik Madsen
1Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
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Water Sci Technol (2013) 68 (3): 584–590.
Article history
November 15 2012
March 22 2013
Roland Löwe, Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Michael R. Rasmussen, Henrik Madsen; State-space adjustment of radar rainfall and skill score evaluation of stochastic volume forecasts in urban drainage systems. Water Sci Technol 1 August 2013; 68 (3): 584–590. doi:
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