Water resources have shaped the destinies of societies and affected settlement choice of civilizations for centuries. Demand for them is constantly increasing and this surge has become an important threat for water resources due to those excessive demands and variety of usage types; at the same time, balancing the protection and use of ground and surface waters has become more difficult. The progress in legal and corporate structures for water management has been too slow for a long time. In this study, principles of international conventions on groundwater are compared with the relevant Turkish groundwater legislation, which is in the process of harmonization with European Union (EU) acquis under the scope of Turkey's nomination for EU membership. The purpose of this study is to measure the compliance of Turkish legislation on groundwater with the relevant international principles and conventions, and also to analyze legal loopholes in Turkish legislation in accordance with the international principles and conventions to be determined.
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March 15 2014
Analysis of Turkish groundwater legislation and policy regarding international principles and conventions
Osman Devrim Elvan;
1Department of Environment and Forestry Law, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University, 34473 Bahcekoy, Istanbul, Turkey
E-mail: [email protected]
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Y. Ozhan Turker
Y. Ozhan Turker
1Department of Environment and Forestry Law, Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University, 34473 Bahcekoy, Istanbul, Turkey
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Water Sci Technol (2014) 69 (10): 2155–2165.
Article history
April 20 2013
February 18 2014
Osman Devrim Elvan, Y. Ozhan Turker; Analysis of Turkish groundwater legislation and policy regarding international principles and conventions. Water Sci Technol 1 May 2014; 69 (10): 2155–2165. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2014.112
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