An improved one-dimensional (1-D) model for the secondary clarifier, i.e. the Bürger-Diehl model, was recently presented. The decisive difference to traditional layer models is that every detail of the implementation is in accordance with the theory of partial differential equations. The Bürger-Diehl model allows accounting for hindered and compressive settling as well as inlet dispersion. In this contribution, the impact of specific features of the Bürger-Diehl model on settler underflow concentration predictions, plant sludge inventory and mixed liquor suspended solids based control actions are investigated by using the benchmark simulation model no. 1. The numerical results show that the Bürger-Diehl model allows for more realistic predictions of the underflow sludge concentration, which is essential for more accurate wet weather modelling and sludge waste predictions. The choice of secondary settler model clearly has a profound impact on the operation and control of the entire treatment plant and it is recommended to use the Bürger-Diehl model as of now in any wastewater treatment plant modelling effort.

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