This work presents and explores a novel methodology for the removal and recovery of ammonia from wastewater based upon two mechanisms: electrochemical oxidation and a previously unreported electrochemically-assisted surface transfer mechanism. Recovery of ammonia is enabled by placing a porous cathodic electrode at the wastewater-air interface. In this configuration, the cathode creates local alkalinity and an electric field that draws ammonium ions towards the wastewater-air interface, resulting in near-linear reductions of dissolved ammonium irrespective of concentration. This approach leads to significant ammonia recovery without the need for ion-exchange membranes. In addition, anodic reactions that simultaneously occur at depth in the wastewater induce ammonia oxidation in accordance with proven mechanisms. The floating electrode approach offers improved ammonia removal efficiency in comparison to electrooxidation. Trials conducted on synthetic wastewater (900 mg NH4+-N l−1) and filtered anaerobic centrate (560 mg NH4+-N l−1) demonstrated ammonia concentration decreases up to 216 mg l−1 hr−1 and 110 mg l−1 hr−1, respectively, under the application of 5 mA cm−2 current density. The technology would be best used to treat municipal and industrial wastewaters possessing high ammonia concentration, including anaerobic digester centrate and urine, and offers potential to assist in removing ammonia from environmental waters.
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January 31 2017
Electrochemically-assisted ammonia recovery from wastewater using a floating electrode
Tim H. Muster;
1CSIRO Land and Water, Gate 3, Waite Road, Urrbrae 5064, South Australia, Australia
E-mail: [email protected]
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Johannes Jermakka
Johannes Jermakka
2VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Espoo, Finland
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Water Sci Technol (2017) 75 (8): 1804–1811.
Article history
January 06 2016
November 16 2016
Tim H. Muster, Johannes Jermakka; Electrochemically-assisted ammonia recovery from wastewater using a floating electrode. Water Sci Technol 28 April 2017; 75 (8): 1804–1811. doi:
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