A calcined CaMgAl-layered double hydroxide nanocomposite, CaMgAl-LDH (CCMA-0.83-600), was prepared by introducing Mg on the basis of CaAl-LDHs for the removal of phosphate from wastewater. The structure of the as-synthesized CCMA-0.83-600 was confirmed by XRD and SEM analyses. Parameters affecting the adsorption process of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 were thoroughly explored, such as initial pH, adsorbent dosage and co-existing anions. The adsorption kinetic study suggested that the adsorption process accorded with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the adsorption rate was controlled by both the liquid film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion. The adsorption isotherm study indicated the adsorption process followed by the Langmuir isotherm model. Thermodynamic analysis suggested that the adsorption of phosphate was spontaneous and exothermic. The obtained results indicated that CCMA-0.83-600 is a suitable candidate for the removal of phosphate from wastewater.
Ternary metal-LDHs (CCMA-0.83-600) were synthesized for adsorbing phosphate.
The adsorption of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 is a chemical and monolayer process.
Phosphate was bound by CCMA-0.83-600 via the synergistic effect of multiple forces.
Graphical Abstract
Phosphorus is an essential element for the growth of algae and other organisms (Wang et al. 2020). High level of phosphorus discharged from wastewater into natural water not only results in algae blooms but also triggers eutrophication (Cao et al. 2020), posing a potential threat to the ecosystem. Thus, it is crucial to develop efficient methods and materials for phosphorus removal. Various treatment technologies, such as membrane separation, ion exchange, electrodialysis, chemical precipitation, adsorption and biological methods, have been employed to recover phosphorous from wastewater. Among them, the adsorption method, with the advantages of easy operation, low cost and stabilizing effect, is considered a promising separation technique for the removal of phosphorus. The core of the adsorption method is to find an adsorbent with excellent adsorption performance (Kong et al. 2021, 2022). To date, a large number of adsorbents, such as metal oxide hydroxides, diatomite, kaolin, lignite, bentonite and layered double hydroxides (LDHs), have been successfully adopted for adsorbing phosphorous (Seftel et al. 2018; Guo et al. 2021; Khajeh et al. 2022).
LDH with large surface areas and easily exchangeable interlayer ions is called anionic clay. The general chemical formula of LDH is [M1−x2+Mx3+(OH)2]X+(An−)x/n·mH2O, where M2+ and M3+ are divalent and trivalent metal cations, respectively, An− is the interlaminar anion, x is the molar ratio of M3+/(M3+ + M2+) and m is the number of interlaminar water molecules (Li et al. 2016). Nowadays, LDHs are employed in adsorbing various pollutants such as phosphorus, nitrate, acid yellow, perfluorooctanoic acid, tetracycline hydrochloride, Pb2+, Cr(VI), and so on. Phosphorus mainly exists in the form of organic phosphate, orthophosphate and polyphosphate in wastewater (Cao et al. 2020) and the phosphorus concentration in different wastewater will be different. Organic phosphate and polyphosphate can be decomposed into orthophosphate due to bacteria. So the key to phosphorus removal is how to remove orthophosphate from wastewater. As adsorbents, LDHs have exhibited excellent adsorption ability towards phosphate. For example, our team's previous work showed that CR-LDH (AlCa-LDHs) prepared from the industrial waste of calcium carbide slag and red mud exhibited 16.6 mg/g phosphate adsorption capacity by CR-LDH (Xiao et al. 2021). Ca released from CR-LDH would enhance the adsorption of phosphate by co-precipitation. CR-LDH was deemed as a potential adsorbent for the treatment of phosphate-containing wastewater and the COD, turbidity and NH4+-N of practical wastewater treated by CR-LDH could be reduced by 42.39, 77.20 and 20.71%, respectively. Li et al. (2016) investigated the ratio of Mg/Al on the adsorption behavior of Mg/Al-LDHs biochar for phosphate. Experimental results indicated that the increase of the Mg/Al ratio in adsorbent will improve phosphate adsorption and the maximum adsorption capacity of Mg/Al-LDHs biochar toward phosphate calculated by the Langmuir isotherm model was 81.83 mg/g within the Mg/Al ratio of 4:1 in Mg/Al-LDHs biochar (pH 3.0). Ion exchange, electrostatic attraction and surface inner-sphere complex formation were the main adsorption mechanism for phosphate adsorbed by Mg/Al-LDHs biochar. Literature research found that binary metal-LDHs, such as MgAl-LDHs and CaAl-LDHs, achieved good adsorption performance toward phosphate. To our best knowledge, although ternary metal-LDH is reported in adsorbing HCl (Wu et al. 2019), As(III), Cd(II) (Lyu et al. 2022) and triphosphate (Zhou et al. 2011), in removing phosphate in wastewater are little explored, especially for CaMgAl-LDHs. The adsorption performance and mechanism of CaMgAl-LDHs with respect to phosphate were unclear that needed to be explored further.
In the current work, ternary metal-LDHs (CaMgAl-LDHs) were synthesized by introducing the Mg element to the basis of CaAl-LDHs. The obtained CaMgAl-LDHs were further calcined to prepare CaMgAl-calcined LDHs under different calcination temperatures. The CaMgAl-calcined LDH composite was investigated using XRD, SEM and FT-IR. Batch adsorption experiments, under different initial solution pH values, adsorbent dosage and competitive anions, were conducted to determine the adsorption characters and adsorption abilities and phosphate onto the CaMgAl-calcined LDHs. The adsorption kinetic, isotherm and thermodynamic analysis were conducted to reveal the interaction between CaMgAl-calcined LDHs and phosphate.
Chemicals and materials
NaCl, MgCl2·6H2O, CaCl2, Al(NO3)3·9H2O and ascorbic acid were provided by Sinopharm, China. KH2PO4 was obtained from Liaoning Quanrui Reagent Co., Ltd, China. Phosphorus standard solution (GSB04-1741-2004a) with a concentration of 100 mg/L was purchased from the national center for analysis and testing of nonferrous metals and electronic materials, China. All reagents used were of analytic grade, except as noted.
Preparation of CaMgAl-LDHs and CaMgAl-calcined LDHs
The CaMgAl-LDHs were synthesized by a co-precipitation method. The detailed preparation procedure is as follows. First, certain amounts of CaCl2, MgCl2·6H2O, Al(NO3)3·9H2O were dissolved by deionized water to obtain a mixed metal salt solution with the molar ratio of divalent metal cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) to trivalent metal cations (Al3+) of 3 and X = [n(Ca2+)/n(Ca2+ + Mg2+)] = 0.83. Then, 250 mL of the above-mixed metal salt solution and 1 mol/L NaOH solution were added dropwise to 200 mL of the 0.5 mol/L NaCl solution, maintaining the pH of the solution around 9–13. After the titration was completed, the above-mixed solution was stirred at 35–75 °C for another 30 min. Subsequently, the precipitate was crystallized in a water bath at 70 °C for 24 h. The crystallized precipitate was separated by centrifugation, washed with deionized water and dried at 110 °C for 24 h to obtain CaMgAl-LDHs. After that, the ground CaMgAl-LDH samples were calcined at 300–800 °C for 4 h to obtain CaMgAl-calcined LDHs. Finally, the CaMgAl-calcined LDHs were ground to pass through the 200-mesh sieve and then placed in the dryer for further experiments. The corresponding calcined CaMgAl-LDHs are named CCMA-0.83-Y (Y represented the roasting temperature).
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded on a Bruker D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer with Cu Kɑ radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å) at 40 KV, 40 mA, a 2θ angle in the range of 5°–70° and a step size of 0.02°/s. The surface morphology was measured with a QUANTA 250 scanning electron microscope (SEM). The adsorbent was pelletized with KBr for the FT-IR analysis using a TENSOR27 infrared spectrometer with 4 cm−1 resolution in the range of 4,000–400 cm−1.
Adsorption experiments
Especially, in an adsorption kinetic test, 0.16 g CCMA-0.83-600 was immersed into 200 mL of phosphate solution with a concentration of 200 mg/L in a 500 mL conical flask. The conical flask was shaken at the rate of 200 rpm at 25 °C. At each sampling time (e.g., 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480 min), 5 mL of the uniformly mixed solution was taken from the conical flask and then filtrated for further analysis.
The adsorption kinetic of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 was addressed by adding 0.08 g CCMA-0.83-600 into 100 mL of the phosphate solution with a concentration ranging from 20 to 500 mg/L in the 100 mL conical flask. The conical flasks were then shaken for 24 h at 25 °C. As for the thermodynamic test, the adsorbate-adsorbent system reacted at 15, 25 and 35 °C.
The preparation of CCMA-0.83-600
The effect of co-precipitation temperature
(a) Effect of co-precipitation temperature on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
(a) Effect of co-precipitation temperature on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
The effect of co-precipitation pH
(a) Effect of co-precipitation pH on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
(a) Effect of co-precipitation pH on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
The effect of calcination temperature
(a) Effect of calcination temperature on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
(a) Effect of calcination temperature on the XRD patterns and (b) adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate.
Adsorption performance of CCMA-0.83-600 with respect to phosphate as a function of adsorbent dosage (a), initial pH (b) and co-existing anions (c).
Adsorption performance of CCMA-0.83-600 with respect to phosphate as a function of adsorbent dosage (a), initial pH (b) and co-existing anions (c).
The effect of calcination temperature on the adsorption of phosphate is given in Figure 3(b). It can be seen that the adsorption ability of CCMA-0.83 toward phosphate was better than that of CMA-0.83. As the calcination temperature was increased from 300 to 800 °C, the adsorption ability of CCMA-0.83 with respect to was first increased and then decreased. A maximum adsorption amount of 99.75 mg/g was achieved at a calcination temperature of 600 °C. This phenomenon was might be attributed to the structural memory effect. When the calcination temperature was in the range of 300–600 °C, part to all of the layered structure of CCMA-0.83 was collapsed and the hydroxyl groups were removed. Thus, the adsorption ability of CCMA-0.83 toward phosphate was enhanced due to the reduction of ions competing within
in the interlayer. When the calcination temperature was higher than 600 °C, the adsorption capacity of phosphate was decreased because the high calcination temperature destroyed the structure memory effect which could be confirmed by XRD results (Figure 3(a)). The most favorable calcination temperature was 600 °C.
Based on the above results, the optimum conditions for the preparation of CCMA-0.83-600 were as follows: co-precipitation temperature of 65 °C, co-precipitation pH of 10 and calcination temperature of 600 °C.
Factors affecting CCMA-0.83-600 adsorption of phosphate
Effect of adsorbent dosage
The effect of adsorbent dosage on the adsorption behavior of CCMA -0.83-600 is investigated with an adsorbent dosage ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 g/L and the result is shown in Figure 4(a).
In general, a high CCMA-0.83-600 dosage achieved a high phosphate removal because a more active adsorption site would be available to bind phosphate in the aqueous solution. Most notably, CCMA-0.83-600 presented a two-phase adsorption curve in phosphate adsorption as the increase of CCMA-0.83-600 dosage. With the dosage of CCMA-0.83-600 increased from 0.1 to 0.8 g/L, the removal rate sharply increased from 15.15 to 99.62%. However, when the CCMA-0.83-600 dosage was higher than 0.8 g/L, the phosphate removal rate hardly increased and the tangent slope of the curve decreased to almost 0. Conversely, the adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 exhibited a different trend with the increase of CCMA-0.83-600 dosage. With the increase in CCMA-0.83-600 dose, more phosphate was removed from the solution, and the residual phosphate got lower. Correspondingly, the concentration gradient was getting smaller, leading to the difficulty in phosphate adsorption. It peaked at 124.53 mg/g at 0.8 g/L of CCMA-0.83-600. In the subsequent tests, the dosage of CCMA-0.83-600 used was 0.8 g/L.
Effect of the initial solution pH
The effect of the initial solution pH (2.0–12.0) on CCMA-0.83-600 adsorption of phosphate is presented in Figure 4(b). At pH of 2, the adsorption ability of CCMA-0.83-600 was relatively low. When the pH value was at a relatively low level, H3PO4 and were the main species of P. At this time, CCMA-0.83-600 would be dissolved and couldn't be restored to the layered structure. The removal of phosphate was mainly through the precipitation reaction formed between the dissolved Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and phosphate. The adsorption amount was increased from 28.51 to 124.39 mg/g when the initial solution pH increased from 2 to 3. CCMA-0.83-600 remained a relatively high phosphate adsorption ability in the range of pH 3–8, and a maximum phosphate adsorption amount of 124.59 mg/g was achieved at a pH of 4. Meanwhile, the point of zero charge (pHpzc) of CCMA-0.83-600 was 8.9. When the solution pH < pHpzc, the surface of CCMC-0.83-600 became protonated and more positively charged with the decrease in pH, favoring the adsorption of phosphate. At pH above pHpzc, the deprotonation reaction led to the intensification of competition between phosphate ions and OH−, resulting in the lower removal of phosphate. At a higher pH, the main species of phosphate in the aqueous solutions were
(Cheng et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2019). More hydroxyl groups would be on the layer, enhancing the coordination between metal ions and phosphate. Besides, the positive charge of the laminate would be reduced, weakening the electrostatic adsorption ability. The solution pH remained between 8.6 and 9.2 after the equilibrium of the adsorption reaction, indicating that CCMA-0.83-600 had a certain regulating effect on the pH of the solution, that is, CCMA-0.83-600 in OH− was released during the recombination, and part of the OH− would be adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 after the recombination was completed. Based on the above results, a pH of 4 will be selected in a further study.
Effect of co-existing anions
The effect of co-existing anions on the adsorption of phosphate is investigated with Cl−, ,
as background anions and the results are shown in Figure 4(c). The concentration of the above four co-existing anions was 20, 50, 100 and 200 mg/L. Cl−,
could significantly influence the adsorption of CCMA-0.83-600 with respect to phosphate, showing strong competitive adsorption with phosphate at pH 4.0. The suppression of phosphate adsorption was enhanced by increasing the concentration of Cl−,
ions from 20 to 200 mg/L. The inhibition order of the above four background anions was following the sequence of
> Cl−. The co-existing anions will enter the interlayer of CaMgAl-LDHs and occupy part of interlayer adsorption sites, reducing the adsorption ability of CCMA-0.83-600 toward phosphate. A strong force existed between the anion with high valence and the positively charged layer, making it easier to enter the interlayer channel. Thus, the inhibitory effect of
dianions was stronger than that of
and Cl− monovalent anions (Xiao et al. 2021).
Kinetic study
Fitting results of the pseudo-first-order model, and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (a), the intra-particle diffusion model (b) and the Boyd kinetic model (c).
Fitting results of the pseudo-first-order model, and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (a), the intra-particle diffusion model (b) and the Boyd kinetic model (c).
Fitting results of kinetic model
Kinetic model . | Parameter . | Value . |
Pseudo-first-order kinetic model | Qe | 117.55 |
k1 | 0.0485 | |
R2 | 0.946 | |
Pseudo-second-order kinetic model | Qe | 125.94 |
k2 | 0.0005 | |
R2 | 0.993 | |
Intra-particle diffusion model | C1 | 14.955 |
R12 | 0.958 | |
k31 | 11.317 | |
C2 | 82.092 | |
k32 | 2.218 | |
R22 | 0.979 | |
C3 | 118.99 | |
k33 | 0.245 | |
R32 | 0.958 |
Kinetic model . | Parameter . | Value . |
Pseudo-first-order kinetic model | Qe | 117.55 |
k1 | 0.0485 | |
R2 | 0.946 | |
Pseudo-second-order kinetic model | Qe | 125.94 |
k2 | 0.0005 | |
R2 | 0.993 | |
Intra-particle diffusion model | C1 | 14.955 |
R12 | 0.958 | |
k31 | 11.317 | |
C2 | 82.092 | |
k32 | 2.218 | |
R22 | 0.979 | |
C3 | 118.99 | |
k33 | 0.245 | |
R32 | 0.958 |
According to the intra-particle diffusion model, the diffusion phenomenon participated in the adsorption process when Qt vs t1/2 was a linear plot. Furthermore, if the intercept of the obtained plot was zero, this suggests that the only rate-controlling step in the adsorption process was intra-particle diffusion. Given that the experimental data fitted by the intra-particle diffusion model (Qt vs t1/2) plot showed multi-linearity, the adsorption process of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 was controlled by more than one mechanism. Three-stage adsorption processes are presented in Figure 5(b). Stage I (0–60 min) is a fast adsorption phase. If a large number of free adsorption sites were available on the surface of CCMA-0.83-600, the phosphate would reach the surface of the adsorbent through liquid membrane diffusion and then could be quickly adsorbed. Stage II (60–360 min), intra-particle diffusion phase, was a rate-limiting step. Most of the active sites on the surface of CCMA-0.83-600 were occupied by phosphate, the phosphate anions diffused onto the surface of CCMA-0.83-600 through the liquid film would enter the inside adsorption sites through intra-particle diffusion. Stage III (>360 min) is the adsorption equilibrium stage. The constant C comprised C31 < C32 < C33, suggesting an increase in the thickness of the boundary layer with the proceeding of adsorbing adsorbate.
As shown in Figure 5(c), the Boyd kinetic plots were linear and did not pass through the origin, indicating that the film diffusion or external mass transport mechanism occupied predominated status and the rate-determining step in the adsorption reaction is the external mass transfer (Manobala et al. 2021).
Adsorption isotherm studies
Isotherms of phosphate adsorption on CCMA-0.83-600 (a) and lnb and 1/T relationship curve of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 (b).
Isotherms of phosphate adsorption on CCMA-0.83-600 (a) and lnb and 1/T relationship curve of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 (b).
Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms are adopted to investigate the equilibrium relationship between phosphate anchored on CCMA-0.83-600 and the phosphate remaining in the solution. The present experimental data were fitted by the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model Equation (4) and the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model Equation (5) as follows.
As displayed in Figure 6 and Table 2, the regression coefficient values determined by the Langmuir isotherm model were the highest, suggesting that the adsorption of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 was best fitted with the Langmuir isotherm model (0.991 ≤ R2 ≤ 0.994). Thus, phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600 was a homogeneous monolayer adsorption process. The theoretical maximum adsorption capacity of CCMA-0.83-600 obtained by the Langmuir isotherm model was basically consistent with the experimental data. As the reaction temperature increased from 15 to 35 °C, the theoretical maximum adsorption capacity determined by the Langmuir model was increased from 130.79 to 161.66 mg/g, indicating that the increased temperature was conducive to the adsorption of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600. According to the Freundlich model, the n value was greater than 1, suggesting that the adsorption process of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 was favorable.
Isotherm fitting results of phosphorus removal by CCMA-0.83-600
Temperature (K) . | Langmuir . | Freundlich . | ||||
Qmax (mg/g) . | KL . | R2 . | KF . | n . | R2 . | |
288.15 | 130.79 | 1.56 | 0.992 | 69.35 | 7.78 | 0.832 |
298.15 | 149.91 | 4.32 | 0.991 | 86.45 | 8.78 | 0.822 |
308.15 | 161.66 | 14.26 | 0.994 | 99.75 | 9.89 | 0.812 |
Temperature (K) . | Langmuir . | Freundlich . | ||||
Qmax (mg/g) . | KL . | R2 . | KF . | n . | R2 . | |
288.15 | 130.79 | 1.56 | 0.992 | 69.35 | 7.78 | 0.832 |
298.15 | 149.91 | 4.32 | 0.991 | 86.45 | 8.78 | 0.822 |
308.15 | 161.66 | 14.26 | 0.994 | 99.75 | 9.89 | 0.812 |
Adsorption thermodynamics
Thermodynamic results of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600
Temperature (K) . | △G (kJ/mol) . | △H (kJ/mol) . | △S (J/mol/K) . |
288.15 | −1.067 | 81.77 | 286.78 |
298.15 | −3.631 | ||
308.15 | −6.816 |
Temperature (K) . | △G (kJ/mol) . | △H (kJ/mol) . | △S (J/mol/K) . |
288.15 | −1.067 | 81.77 | 286.78 |
298.15 | −3.631 | ||
308.15 | −6.816 |
The negative △G values indicated that the adsorption of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 was a spontaneous process. As the temperature increased from 15 to 35 °C, the △G decreased from −1.07 to −6.82 kJ/mol, suggesting that the adsorption of phosphate was an endothermic reaction. The positive △H suggested the adsorption of phosphate was endothermic. The △S value was positive, indicating the increase in randomness and affinity in phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600.
Adsorption mechanisms

The concentration of phosphate, Cl− and pH changes in the process of phosphate adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600
Reaction time (min) . | Distilled water . | Phosphate-containing solution . | ||||
The concentration of Cl− (mg/L) . | pH . | The concentration of phosphate (mg/L) . | The concentration of Cl− (mg/L) . | pH . | Pin/(Cl−phosphate out-Cl−balnk out) molar ratio . | |
0 | 0 | 7 | 100 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
5 | 0 | 9.12 | 71.86 | 0 | 7.10 | 5.70 |
10 | 2.22 | 10.15 | 56.71 | 7.16 | 7.95 | 4.28 |
30 | 3.63 | 10.37 | 31.95 | 12.11 | 8.87 | 3.43 |
60 | 4.24 | 10.33 | 21.62 | 19.93 | 9.25 | 2.78 |
120 | 4.68 | 10.17 | 13.42 | 24.08 | 9.27 | 2.32 |
180 | 4.72 | 9.82 | 8.92 | 27.65 | 9.26 | 1.93 |
240 | 4.91 | 9.68 | 5.13 | 30.17 | 9.22 | 1.94 |
300 | 5.02 | 9.56 | 2.59 | 32.23 | 9.09 | 1.22 |
360 | 5.13 | 9.32 | 1.13 | 34.42 | 9.01 | 1.26 |
420 | 5.21 | 9.21 | 0.46 | 35.66 | 8.96 | 0.92 |
480 | 5.31 | 8.97 | 0.42 | 36.49 | 8.89 | 0.40 |
540 | 5.51 | 8.82 | 0.42 | 36.79 | 8.85 | 0 |
Reaction time (min) . | Distilled water . | Phosphate-containing solution . | ||||
The concentration of Cl− (mg/L) . | pH . | The concentration of phosphate (mg/L) . | The concentration of Cl− (mg/L) . | pH . | Pin/(Cl−phosphate out-Cl−balnk out) molar ratio . | |
0 | 0 | 7 | 100 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
5 | 0 | 9.12 | 71.86 | 0 | 7.10 | 5.70 |
10 | 2.22 | 10.15 | 56.71 | 7.16 | 7.95 | 4.28 |
30 | 3.63 | 10.37 | 31.95 | 12.11 | 8.87 | 3.43 |
60 | 4.24 | 10.33 | 21.62 | 19.93 | 9.25 | 2.78 |
120 | 4.68 | 10.17 | 13.42 | 24.08 | 9.27 | 2.32 |
180 | 4.72 | 9.82 | 8.92 | 27.65 | 9.26 | 1.93 |
240 | 4.91 | 9.68 | 5.13 | 30.17 | 9.22 | 1.94 |
300 | 5.02 | 9.56 | 2.59 | 32.23 | 9.09 | 1.22 |
360 | 5.13 | 9.32 | 1.13 | 34.42 | 9.01 | 1.26 |
420 | 5.21 | 9.21 | 0.46 | 35.66 | 8.96 | 0.92 |
480 | 5.31 | 8.97 | 0.42 | 36.49 | 8.89 | 0.40 |
540 | 5.51 | 8.82 | 0.42 | 36.79 | 8.85 | 0 |
SEM of CCMA-0.83-600 before (a,b) and after (c) the adsorption of phosphate.
XRD (a) and FT-IR (b) patterns of CCMA-0.83-600 before and the after adsorption of phosphate.
XRD (a) and FT-IR (b) patterns of CCMA-0.83-600 before and the after adsorption of phosphate.
In this study, a nanocomposite CCMA-0.83-600 was designed via a constant pH double titration coprecipitation to prepare a new type of hydrocalumite structure of CaMgAl-LDHs phosphate adsorption materials. The obtained CaMgAl-LDHs were further calcined at 600 °C to prepare CCMA-0.83-600. The XRD and SEM analysis indicated that the prepared CCMA-0.83-600 had typical characteristics of LDHs. The adsorption process of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 follows the pseudo-second-order kinetic model, and the adsorption rate was controlled by both the liquid film diffusion and intra-particle diffusion. The adsorption accords with the Langmuir model, adsorption R2 > 0.99, and the n value of the Freundlich model was greater than 2, indicating that phosphate was easily adsorbed by CCMA-0.83-600. The saturated adsorption capacity at 15, 25 and 35 °C was 130.79, 149.91 and 161.66 mg/g, respectively. Thermodynamic calculation results showed that △G < 0, △H > 0, △S > 0 indicating the adsorption was a spontaneous endothermic reaction, increasing the temperature was beneficial for the positive direction of adsorption, and that the confusion degree of the system increased and the orderliness decreased during the adsorption process. The static adsorption experiment and microscopic analysis showed that the adsorption of phosphate by CCMA-0.83-600 was the result of physical adsorption, anion intercalation, ion exchange, surface coordination and chemical precipitation. CCMA-0.83-600 is an excellent adsorbent material for the treatment of phosphorus wastewater and is worthy of widespread popularization and application.
This work was supported by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (NO. ZR2021ME038, ZR2021QE272 and ZR2021QE087) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 51474122).
All relevant data are included in the paper or its Supplementary Information.
The authors declare there is no conflict.