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Water Science & Technology Special Issue on

Biochemical and Thermochemical Energy Conversion of Wastewater Algal Biomass



With the world's growing population, the production of wastewater forms one of the major environmental challenges. By rapidly growing cultures of algae in wastewater, both nitrogen and phosphorus can be removed, which results in valuable algal biomass. This algal biomass is rich in nutrients and is recognized as a potentially valuable source for obtaining bioenergy. Microalgae may contribute to economically sustainable bioenergy production. However, different biochemical, environmental, and economic challenges need to be addressed before making it available commercially. Particularly the cost and energy demand for harvesting algal biomass by methods such as centrifugation, and flocculation with alum and ferric chloride are high. So further development of harvesting techniques needs to be supported. Although 10,000 algae species are available, only a few 100s are investigated and cultivated for industrial applications. It is thus necessary to optimize and enhance the use of unexploited algal species and, in parallel, to develop new efficient methods for their cultivation and harvesting.

This Special Issue invites papers dealing with the various aspects of biochemical and thermochemical energy conversion of wastewater algal biomass. Papers are preferably sought that critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of the energy conversion process, the cultivation of new promising algal species for energy production, harvesting technologies of various microalgae, bioenergy concepts and techniques, through reviews, case studies, analytical methods, and tools.

We are pleased to invite you to submit a manuscript to Water Science & Technology for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled ‘Biochemical and Thermochemical Energy Conversion of Wastewater Algal Biomass’.


Relevant topics include:

  • Advanced research in biochemical and thermochemical conversion for large-scale operation of biofuel production
  • Energy conversion technologies in agro-industrial wastewater for sustainable algal biomass production
  • Innovations in the valorization of microalgae-based wastewater treatment for a circular bio economy
  • Trends in the life cycle assessment (LCA) of energy conversion for renewable fuel generation
  • Optimization and control strategies for algal-based sewage treatment and advanced biofuel production
  • Challenges in the pretreatment of wastewater algal biomass for optimal conversion to biogas energy
  • Modelling and simulation analysis of energy conversion technologies for wastewater algal biomass and sustainable treatment plants
  • Recent applications of phycoremediation for wastewater treatment for effective pollution removal
  • Wastewater Algal Biomass: conceptual frameworks, energy recovery, bio product performance, impact on environmental health
  • Novel microalgal cultivation methods and nutrient absorption mechanisms for eco-friendly bio product conversions


Key dates:

Deadline for manuscript submission: May 25th, 2024

Expected publication: Articles will be published online as soon as possible after acceptance.


Guest Editors:

Dr. Mohammad Zain Khan, Aligarh Muslim University, India

Dr. Fabián Fernández-Luqueño, Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav Saltillo), Mexico

Dr. Xiaying Xin, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


How to submit:

Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors of the journal, before submitting your paper directly to Water Science & Technology’s peer review system. Then choose the article type – ‘Special Issue Article OA’ and the submission category ‘Special Issue: Wastewater Algal Biomass’. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.

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